Sunday, June 27, 2010

Baseball and Birthday Fun

Mike's birthday was Friday..also the night of the District Champ playoff game for Taylor's team. It was a great night, the boys clinched the title, celebrations all around! Now 3 more weeks of practice and they advance to Sectional play in Huffman starting July 16th. Guess God wants us to be if they win all games doesn't end until the night of the 19th..night before surgery...and Huffman is far enough way that the boys will have to stay out of town for the was a perfect gift for Mike and Taylor..they have been working so hard!

So, the one night out for Mike and I turned into family night out (the girls are missing their Dad terribly) and "Birthday Fun" at home. So cute, the girls made stations for us to rotate to for the birthday..hopscotch, cheer, swimming, dance, and eating cake..the house looked like a tornado went off, but what else is new? Mallory was in a cake decorating camp last week and made a hamburger cake for Dad, but it was too pretty to eat, so we had ice cream cake! Tonight was dinner at home on the grill, I miss the easy Sunday nights as a family. It was a great weekend for all!



1 comment:

  1. We have a Parker with an extra chromosome too! How blessed are we? :)

    Tammy and Parker
    @ParkerMama on Twitter


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