Yesterday was Parker's post surgery appointment with his Pedi. An excellent report! He was amazed at how his heart sounded. And he said to go ahead and start treating the scar although surgery wound care says to wait 4 weeks... Mike and I put Parker in the tub this weekend, we were careful not to get the incision wet. It took two of us, Parker loves the water, loves to swim and splash everywhere. It will be good to get the "all clear" from the Cardio Dr too so we can go back to regular baths and swimming! His incision looks to be ready for treatment, but you know us..rule followers... He weighed 19lbs 6 ozs, so he's gained to what he was pre-surgery (+ a few ozs). A few more ounces and he will "graduate" to forward car riding, YEAH!! Parker has a "bump" on his chest which we are told is normal when they break the breastbone. Pray that it flattens as he heals. Doesn't bother him any, it isn't noticeable all the time, but when he arches his back it seems to "bump" a bit. He is pulling up everywhere. His favorite new thing to do is pull up from his stool to stand and he's able to pull himself up on the coffee table and is working on navigating around the table. This requires supervision since an unexpected topple could be quite problematic at this point.
Today is 3 weeks post-surgery. To say we are amazed would be an understatement. We are busy preparing for back to school. Middle school orientation is Thursday and meet the teacher for the girls too. School starts Monday!
The continued blessing of meals from friends and family has been such a gift. While we are back to a more "normal" routine, not having to run to the store to cook dinner has been appreciated more than we can convey. Thank you never seems enough.
Parker's next Cardio appt is August 25th. We continue to anticipate God's best!
YAY PARKER!! Praise the Lord P is doing so well!! I stand in awe at how God blesses our little ones.
ReplyDeleteCharlie has "the bump", too. He had one before surgery, though, so it's even larger now.
Weight and the carseat. I know that Charlie will be so excited to finally be turned around (he's still at 18lbs 11oz)- there's whole world that he's never seen. Parker is almost there!
Hugs and prayers from GA.
In Him,
Congrats on Parker's triumph! He is such a cutie! I wish you continued healing for his heart. Please do some research into forward facing him in his carseat. My daughter is 3.8 years, weighs 29 lbs, has DS...she rear faced until about 4 months ago, when she got a clear spinal xray.
ReplyDeleteYay Parker, way to go!! So happy to hear that everything is going well and as planned! Parker, you truly are a blessing:)
ReplyDeleteBTW, what are you eating?! Landon is 18 months today and is only 17 lbs. on the nose!! lol
What a hero Parker is! It's amazing how quickly kids recover from surgery. Don't worry about that bump--Hannah had one for many years (she had her surgery at age 2.5). We didn't really notice exactly when it started to diminish, but probably middle childhood. It's completely gone now.
ReplyDeleteWhat I want to know is how can you live with his irresistible smile? He is totally outrageously adorable!