A rather uneventful visit to the Cardio Dr. yesterday, Praise God! She said Parker looks terrific, his weight gain is fantastic, oxygen still 95-96, so no meds for us. She said she won't see us now again until post-op in the hospital. Mike and I remarked how amazing it is that his oxygen stats stayed the same with no drop. One would think that it would start to decline? God has given this little fighter quite the strength and for that we are so grateful..we asked a few questions related to surgery timeline and she felt like end of October rather than middle. This is up to the surgeon, so we won't know more until 10/5 when we have our consult. She said that the key now is to keep him free from fever or illness since any slight fever on surgery day will mean we get "postponed" since technically Parker's surgery is considered "elective" at this point since he is thriving. Not sure how OHS qualifies as "elective," almost makes it seem like plastic surgery..gee, today I'd like to have my heart repaired...HA!
What we have noticed more and more is the strong bond Taylor is forming with his brother. He is always there to talk to Parker, stroke his head, play "ball" with him and always wants time holding him. He offers to hold Parker when I need two hands to fold laundry, make dinner,etc..and he can be trusted for long periods of time for entertaining Parker. I am struck by the love he has for his brother. At night we lay Parker on his pillow and he holds his hands and kisses his head endlessly. He will be Parker's biggest advocate. I always wondered how a 10 year age difference would affect their relationship and I see the outcome we had hoped for!
Be blessed! Lara
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:9–10 NIV).