We continue to live life in the "fast lane," summer is supposed to be for lazy days...not so much around our house, we have been busier than ever! Thought I'd post some of the events over the last few weeks. Most of you remember we spend the summers playing baseball, last year the boys went all the way to State. Last night we won the first stage, District! Madeline has been busy with gymnastics, swimming, and theater. She was Miss Hannigan in Annie and earned herself a role as a Munchkin in the big production in the Wizard of Oz coming up in August. She loves to sing and she may have found a new passion! Mallory has been busy with gymnastics, swimming and girl scout camp. She is looking forward to her first sleep away camp with church in a few weeks. Both girls went to Vacation Bible School too. Parker and I have been busy with the typical therapy and Drs appointments, we just came back from Chicago Monday night after seeing his endocrinologist. Good news, Dr was pleased with impressed with his "skills" couldn't believe how well he was getting around (and getting into everything) and his verbal skills. He got bonus points for growing 1 1/4 inches since January and gaining a pound. He's now 32 1/4 inches and 23 lbs. We did a 4 hour growth hormone test and will have the results in about 10 days. We head back to Dallas on the 13th for his neurodevelopmental eval. Putting lots of miles on my car these days! Strangely this busyness feels like we are back to "normal" life. Days come when it seems overwhelming (and I'm still threatening to move to the country), but we have a great full life and we are blessed!
Can you tell who loves baseball? he's got quite the throwing arm too!
Looks like you might have another baseball player on your hands! I hear you on moving out to the country...it's my back-up plan too for when life gets too busy...happy summer!