I can't let this day go by without sharing the fun we've had this weekend. The evenings have been so terrific here and Parker loves to be outside, so we spend lots of time playing outside in between swimming, gymnastics, and baseball. Have to get that in before the heat is too much..the days have hit 90's already and the mosquitos are in full force, the pics show the nasty bites on his legs and arms already! I'm afraid he has his mom's skin, poor baby! This past week I made two road trips, to Dallas and Austin, so I feel "cheated" out of days! Next week we have a "lighter" week, only one "new" specialist to see..a pediatric urologist..working on a sleep study the following week..in addition to Dallas for our ND 3 month eval we saw the ENT and Parker's ears continue to be fantastic! No problems with congestion or ear infections, we are so blessed! Our ENT wants to know how we keep him so healthy and doing so well! I met a Mom of a 4 yr old little girl with DS in the waiting room. She kept watching him play with the cars (zoom, zoom,zoom he says) and him talking to the other children interacting and having fun. She came over and gave me a perplexed look, then said, "you don't use ECI do you?" hmmmm...no...my heart ached for her, her little girl wasn't verbal at all and she was really in her own world almost fearful of the kids. Please don;t misunderstand me, ECI probably has some terrific folks and programs, it just didn't work for our family. Parker went over to play with her, but she got up and hid with her Mom. I am reminded by those encounters that we have so much to be thankful for and often when I decide to throw a pity party for me, God gives me those encounters!
So, egg hunting is a new favorite..maybe next year we will put them in the basket instead of throwing them and saying "ball" The pics tell the story, "Mom why are they so yucky when I throw them?" The confetti eggs were more fun to put our fingers in and really the new favorite thing is our pool (pants are off because we sat in pool). Guess we will have to add swim lessons this year. Parker loves to be in the water, now he can put his face in and blow bubbles. Good thing we still have the pool gate...
Praising God for his blessings, especially this Easter Sunday! 1 Peter 1:2-5"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time."
Yes, I am surprised to learn they still make 'PEEPS" I have been told they really are terrific and now they come in chocolate flavor now...YUCK! Give me black jellybeans and dark chocolate eggs anyday! :)