wow, I have seriously been "MIA" on the blog..my apologies, seems like we are on fast forward these days without a minute to breathe! Swim meets, trips to see Miley Cyrus, baseball, choir, Dr visits...the list is too long! This is a big week in the Font household, one that we thought would look very different a few weeks ago! We thought we would still be in recovery from surgery, but we are happy to have the gift of more time to enjoy Parker and time together without that worry!!! Madeline our "baby" turned 6 yesterday with the party to come Sunday afternoon with her friends. She had a great day and celebration at school and is looking forward to her party! She is no longer the baby, but a little girl with a BIG personality who loves life and has a passion for singing, dancing, swimming, acting, reading and basically anything she does!
Today, Parker is 5 months old! Where did the time go? He has come so far and so have we. The smiles and laughs are given freely and often and he has become quite the "chatterbox." He continues to be quite the "mover and shaker". He rolls everywhere and his new trick this week is to start to "reach" and pull his legs under to crawl when on his stomach. If you turn your back for a moment he's turned completely around and can be found in a different spot on his play mat. This week we used the tray for the Bumbo for the first time and put cheerios on it. What fun that was! He has no teeth, but he is really good at "mashing" and enjoyed the cheerios. My guess is he won't be long for the baby food. He started rice cereal and bananas as well and while he doesn't love them it is good practice for the oral motor skill. He is sitting well with support on the floor and enjoys playing "touchdown!" with his arms. Guess practice makes perfect! I don't think any of my other kids could do that at 5months, LOL! He has started to grow some hair and eyebrows and it is so cute in the morning when the little fuzz sticks up! :) Mike laughs at me when I get the brush out to "stimulate" growth. Can't hurt, right?
He is 14 lbs 5 ozs and 25 inches long. He will go next week to have his Synagis RSV shot and then we are "Dr. free" until end of November. YEAH!
Be blessed! Lara