Hubby and I just returned from a 4 day trip to NYC (without the kids) and feel so blessed! This trip was a "tag along" for me for Mike's work, but really I think it was a gift from his company for the wives! We were pampered and treated to spectacular accomodations, meals, and gifts! The company and fellowship with the group was such a blessing. I always praise God for Mike's job and the owners of his company, their families, and more importantly their faith. God richly blesses the organization and I know it is a testament to their commitment to measure things by Christ's standards not the worlds. Grandma and Grandpa did an amazing job here at home and don't think for a moment it was an easy task!! Swim meet, Santa parties, schoolwork, and "normal" daily routine and activities in this house doesn't leave much time for rest! We feel especially blessed to be able to "get away," and don't take that for granted. We know many couples that have far less complicated schedules with no help/family close by. Mom and Dad, we know we don't say "thanks" enough, but we love you and we never mean to take advantage!
Coming back is so sweet! Parker was so excited to have us home! And, I now appreciate what Mike experiences coming home each week. Lots can change in a few days! Parker has changed in 5 days!!! He's standing alone very well, wants to walk assisted more frequently than before, and several new words and sounds. Good to get away for so many reasons.
One gains new perspective when one gets away sometimes too. The continued burden of dealing with insurance on a weekly basis, the books of research required to keep abreast of Parker's diagnosis, the home programs, the therapy and Drs appointments are a part of our lives, but we truly are so blessed. Parker is thriving and so are our other kids and we are so thankful. Reflecting over this year and all we've been through and Christ's continued provision is something to celebrate! So, we continue to focus on the blessings and remind ourselves to count our blessings one by one!
A few more pictures from our photo shoot from the Littlest Heros project. Kimberly, these are SOOO fantastic!!!!